Only together do we achieve our goals
Transparency plays an important role in all projects of the foundation. Furthermore, clear transparency also promotes action-oriented and high-quality conduct. Through open communication, we also foster trust and provide an overview of the valuable work of the foundation, along with the presentation of individual projects.
Wasserversorgung für Frauen
Kleinbauern und Wasserspeicher
Wasser Truck
10 Jahres Bericht
Kidundu Secondary School
Wasser für Bombululu & St. Joseph
Angels of Kenscoff
Majeleko Village
Bauchi State Sanitation Upgrade
Slums of Mathare
10-years Water Is Right
WIR has successfully implemented a total of 24 projects worldwide and implemented 26 activities at the institutional level. This has provided sustainable access to clean water and sanitation facilities for several million people. The success story continues.
Transparency and accountability
Since October 11, 2011, the Water Is Right Foundation has been registered in the foundation directory as a charitable foundation. Our primary goal is to promote development projects, particularly in the field of global water projects. This focus obliges us to undergo continuous review in accordance with our articles of association and the applicable foundation laws.
We place great importance on transparency and accountability. Therefore, we regularly publish our annual reports, in which we not only outline our financial activities but also provide detailed explanations of how donation funds are used. This enables our supporters and donors to track the progress of our projects.
Our foundation is managed by Haus des Stiftens, a non-profit limited liability company based in Munich. These experts have been accompanying and advising hundreds of associations and non-governmental organizations, including Water Is Right, for years to ensure that our work meets the highest standards and is implemented efficiently.
The Water Is Right Foundation is listed in the Transparency Register of the Federal Republic of Germany, the official platform for disclosing economically beneficial owners. Our entry is made under reference number: 9Y3GCC. All our income, endowments, and donations are used exclusively for charitable purposes and projects in accordance with our articles of association and the Foundation Act.
Online donations
Support our valuable projects now and become part of our mission! Every contribution helps provide access to clean drinking water and sanitation facilities for people and regions in need.
Local empowerment
The culture of maintenance encompasses attitudes and norms, habitual behaviors, organizational procedures, technical expertise, financial arrangements, and leadership that together form an organization’s approach to optimizing the maintainability, availability, and lifespan of its assets.
All organizations have a culture of maintenance. Some are more or less oriented towards getting the most out of their valuable equipment and infrastructure.
Why did the Water Is Right Foundation establish a gGmbH?
Achieving long-term goals
The Water Is Right Foundation has a grand vision: in the next 10 years, we aim to provide clean drinking water and sanitation facilities to 100 million people.
In addition to the projects we carry out ourselves, we will engage even more extensively than before with other non-profit organizations, the WHO, companies, governments, and individuals. Our goal is to persuade these partners to support us in achieving our goal or to become active themselves in the area of Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6).
For these and other reasons, the Water Is Right Foundation has established a gGmbH – the WIR-Water Is Right gGmbH, to support the work of the foundation with a business case.