Water & sanitary projects
Our projects
The “Water Is Right” foundation implements various water and sanitation projects to promote access to clean drinking water and improved sanitation facilities. These projects aim to combat the water crisis and improve the living conditions of millions of people.
A key focus of the foundation is on constructing and maintaining water supply facilities. This allows people without access to clean water to be provided with a sustainable water source. The foundation collaborates with local partners and experts to ensure that the water projects meet individual requirements. This includes analyzing groundwater reserves, installing pumping systems, and training the local population in the maintenance and upkeep of these facilities.
Furthermore, the foundation is committed to improving sanitation facilities. This includes the construction of toilets, washing facilities, and wastewater systems. By expanding sanitation infrastructure, hygienic conditions can be created, and the spread of diseases reduced.
In addition to these projects, the “Water Is Right” foundation works closely with partners to raise awareness of water safety, hygiene, and the protection of water resources. Through training and workshops, local communities are educated about proper hygiene practices, the importance of water supply, and sustainable water management.
Through its water and sanitation projects, the “Water Is Right” foundation continues its efforts to make clean drinking water and sanitation facilities accessible to all people.

Wasserversorgung für Frauen

Kleinbauern und Wasserspeicher

Wasser Truck

10 Jahres Bericht

Kidundu Secondary School

Wasser für Bombululu & St. Joseph

Angels of Kenscoff

Majeleko Village

Bauchi State Sanitation Upgrade