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Water Is Right Foundation

For clean and affordable drinking water worldwide!

For clean water as a human right

Worldwide, 2.1 billion people lack access to clean drinking water, and 3 billion people lack access to sanitation facilities. 2.1 million people die annually from diseases associated with poor hygiene.

Singer Rolf Stahlhofen, co-founder of the Sons of Mannheim, is the founder of the Water Is Right Foundation (WIR). His own childhood experiences motivated him to take action. 

Since its establishment in 2011, the Water Is Right Foundation has already provided sustainable access to clean water and sanitation facilities for more than five million people.

Why our work is important

Water is the most essential element of life!
A person can survive 3 to 4 weeks without food – only 3 to 4 days without water!

Even today, more than two billion people lack access to clean drinking water. As a result, approximately 3 children die every minute from related diseases.

We must, want to, and can make a change to this!

0 Mrd.
People worldwide lack access to clean drinking water
0 Mrd.
People lack access to sanitation facilities
0 Mio.
Women and children spend hours daily fetching water from distant sources
0 Mio.
People die from diseases due to lack of hygiene.

This is WIR

Rolf Stahlhofen

Founder of WIR

Tim Geldmacher

Executive Board

Oliver Schwan

Managing Director

Celina Möller

Project Manager

How you can help

For businesses

For private individuals.

To donate money

Everyone can become a part of Water Is Right, of our WIR movement. Whether an individual or a company – every support is welcome and goes directly to the cause.

For businesses

Your own project

If your company would like to implement and finance its own project, take a look at current project examples.

For businesses

Become WIR Partners

Long-term partnerships help us implement our projects on the ground and provide us with more planning security. Learn about the possibilities.

The water dispenser that does good!

By renting WIR water dispensers, we enable sustainable and regular financing of Water Is Right projects, as 10% of the rental fees contribute to our water projects. True to the motto ‘Drink Water Give Water.’

Whether in the office, school, hospitality, or at concerts – our dispensers are versatile and contribute to our goals everywhere.

Our Tour dispensers have been accompanying artists like Udo Lindenberg, Apache 207, or Coldplay for several years.

Support water and sanitation projects worldwide

The Water Is Right Foundation has developed an innovative self-financing model where revenues from water dispenser rentals directly fund our global initiatives. This sustainable funding strategy allows us to continuously invest in water and sanitation projects worldwide. Each rented water dispenser contributes to a larger goal: providing clean drinking water and basic sanitation facilities for those who need it most. By supporting our water dispensers, you are actively helping to change lives and strengthen communities around the world.

Latest WIR News

Ein ganz besonderes Projekt: Wie WIR in Kenia Betroffenen häuslicher Gewalt hilft
Wasser ist Leben, Bildung ist Zukunft
Unser Vorstand Tim Geldmacher wurde für sein ehrenamtliches Engagement mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichent!

Our Partners and Friends


Christian Nienhaus


Henning Baum


Gregor Meyle


Flo Mega


Arno Köster

Udo Lindenberg Foundation


Rapper & music producer



Nelson Müller

Star Chef & singer

Mousse T

Music producer & DJ

Udo Lindenberg


Max Mutzke


Victoria Jancke

Actress & model

Bülent Ceylan


David Lackner

Race car driver

Under the motto #DrinkWaterGiveWater (#DWGW), we aim to inspire a reconsideration and change in individual water consumption.

#DWGW follows an innovative approach to ensure clean drinking water is available worldwide for everyone. For every liter of water sold in WIR water dispensers from partner companies or in clubs, bars, restaurants, or hotels, we provide 10 liters of clean drinking water. In places where access to clean water is not taken for granted.

Under the motto #DrinkWaterGiveWater (#DWGW), we aim to inspire a reconsideration and change in individual water consumption.

#DWGW follows an innovative approach to ensure clean drinking water is available worldwide for everyone. For every liter of water sold in WIR water dispensers from partner companies or in clubs, bars, restaurants, or hotels, we provide 10 liters of clean drinking water. In places where access to clean water is not taken for granted.