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For public institutions

Donate water, send messages.

We also offer large WIR- water dispensers with or without payment function. With rising temperatures and increasingly hot weather periods, such a water dispenser not only provides great customer/member service but also features a display where either advertisements can be displayed or projects funded by the proceeds from the sale of water can be showcased.

Advantages for public places and schools

Ecological contribution

Public institutions can actively reduce their ecological footprint by avoiding plastic waste and providing sustainably chilled water.

Educational commitment

A water dispenser can serve as a teaching tool to convey the importance of water and environmental awareness, especially for younger generations.

Service & convenience

Provides citizens, students, and visitors with fresh, chilled water at any time, underscoring the institution's commitment to the well-being of its community.

Discover the difference

Schedule a consultation and learn how a water dispenser can make a difference in your facility.

WIR Water dispenser for schools

The WIR water dispenser NIAGARA has already been tested in many schools. Robust and easy to use, it provides all children and adolescents in educational institutions with access to free and clean drinking water.

Why water dispensers in schools make sense:

Water dispensers in schools ensure that all students, regardless of their social background, have equal access to drinking water.

Water is essential for the physical and mental development of children and adolescents. Water dispensers encourage them to drink enough and help prevent dehydration and its negative effects on health.

From a hygiene perspective, water dispensers ensure the provision of clean drinking water in a hygienic condition. This is particularly important as school sanitary facilities do not always meet the highest hygiene standards. Water dispensers minimize the risk of disease transmission and promote the health of the students.